Friday, August 28, 2009

The Grind

I take my camera with me to work every day. Unfortunately, I only rarely take it out of the bag. I'm not sure if I'm just burnt out with work and the resulting apathy makes me leave it in the vehicle or if I just haven't thought anything was interesting enough to shoot. Either way, I've been bad about taking photos at work. I do have a few from the past several weeks, though.

NCSU Media Day. After the team portrait, Coach O'Brien and a few players were available for interviews. Typical pre-season media circus.

Tyler's lunch break is spent looking pensive in the break room.

Microwave masts clustered on the corner outside of the Federal Courthouse in Raleigh.

Killing time outside the Federal Courthouse. Spending an entire day waiting on the hot sidewalk with a bunch of other disgruntled photographers and reporters certainly gets boring.

Rob loves his job. It keeps him busy, but that's ok because he leaves every day with a sense of accomplishment. (I'm hoping everyone is familiar with sarcasm)